Saturday, October 10, 2015

Make Eid (Muslim Holiday) a public holiday across the United States

Make Eid (Muslim Holiday) a public holiday across the United States

Assalamu Alaikum. As we all know there are many holidays celebrated across the United States. Holidays that give people time off from work and school so they can celebrate with family and friends. There is a large population of Muslim people in the U.S and the two holidays that are celebrated are not recognized in calendars to mark these special days. Students are missing out on school, people taking time off from work, this is all because these holidays are unknown. Change can only happen if we try, we can’t just wait for it to change on it’s own. Sign this petition and help make it happen. One step at a time we can make a difference for the next generation to come.

Pokrenut je postupak na federalnom nivou SAD da se BAJRAM prihvati kao priznati praznik u SAD. Da bi se to desilo moramo potpisati peticiju do octobra 31 2015 god. Peticija treba da ima 100 000 potpisa. Do sada je potpisano oko 22 500. Pozivamo vas da uradite vas dio kako bi BAJRAM bio priznati praznik u SAD te da za bajramski dan mozemo provesti na najbolji nacin, a to je sa svojim najblizim i najdražim.

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